Tuesday 3 April 2012

Climate of Italy

The Northern part of Italy has hot summers and cold winter, although the temperature rarely drops below freezing during the daytime. Whereas the South enjoys mild winters and long, dry, hot summers. Mountain areas such as the Alps and the Apennines have long, cold winters long and short, cool summers. Much like the rest of the world, Italy’s climate changes with the seasons. During the winter months, places such as the Alps, Turin, and Venice bear the impact of the winter cold. Temperatures in Southern Italy are normally milder with averages of 50 to 60 degrees from December to April. Cities located near the Tyrrhenian Sea (Western Italy) have mild seasons. Summer temperatures normally stay within the 79 to 87 degrees. Winters are also milder than the northern region, and average lows in the winter are between 40 to 42 degrees.  The Mediterranean Region (south) of Italy has wider rainfall totals in the winter months, and dry summer conditions. 


  1. The climate in Italy and Australia is actually quite similar! I don’t think the temperature ever drops below freezing in Australia at all except in the mountains. Mountains are also a similarity between our countries. Since the two countries are on different hemispheres, (Australia - southern, Italy –northern) Ausralia’s north is gernerally warmer than the south, while Italy’s south is gernerally warmer than the north!

  2. The climate of Italy is very interesting, Jennifer! Before reading this, I thought Italy was a place that was hot all year round. I didn't know it had mountains! But by learning that I also realized that our countries are not very similar. For instance, my country is very flat, hot and dry. Italy actually sounds like a cool place to go on vacation. I am looking forward to hearing more about your country!

  3. Jenn that is very interesting! It sounds like the weather is pretty different depending on where you are in Italy. Spain, my country, is like that as well. It has a wide range of temperatures, that's what makes Spain very popular. There is always at least one place that's warm. I think it would be a very fun place to visit just by reading all of your other posts. It was good to learn more about your country!
