Monday 23 April 2012

Italy's History

     I'll be blogging on history this week (just a warning) so, try to stay awake while reading this. There are a lot of different history eras of Italy however, I'll be mainly focusing on the Roman era.

     Italy is obviously the birth place of the Roman Empire. Julius Caeser placed a big part in Italy's history. According to legend, Rome was founded in 753 BC by Romulus and Remus, and was then governed by seven Kings of Rome. In the following centuries, Rome started expanding its territory, defeating its neighbours one after the other. Greeks settled in the southern tip of the Italian Peninsula in the eighth and seventh centuries B.C. Etruscans, Romans, and others took over the central and northern mainland. The neighbouring islands also came under Roman control by the third century B.C. By the first century A.D., the Roman Empire effectively dominated the Mediterranean world. After the collapse of the Roman Empire in the West in the fifth century A.D., the peninsula and islands were subjected to a series of invasions, and political unity was lost. Italy became an oft-changing succession of small states, principalities, and kingdoms, which fought among themselves and were subject to ambitions of foreign powers. Popes of Rome ruled central Italy; rivalries between the popes and the Holy Roman Emperors, who claimed Italy as their domain, often made the peninsula a battleground.


  1. wow Jenn that is very interesting! Don't worry I didn't fall asleep either. I really knew nothing about Italy's history except for that it was the birth place of the Roman Empire Julius Caeser. In your blog I learned a lot about Italy this time and it was very neat! I haven't done history about my country, Spain, yet but I hope that it will be just as interesting and I will learn just as much as I had here. Spain does have many myths though about its history, with the bull riding, religion and the flag. I'm sure that Italy has many of those too!

  2. The history of Italy and Australia are so different! It's interesting because all of these European countries like France and Italy are so much older than Australia. They've had Kings and Queens and Emperors and all sorts of famous rulers, battles and wars, but Australia was just discovered. I enjoyed learning about Italy's history, and look forward to your next post.
