Tuesday 17 April 2012

Italy's Culture

   From as early as the 16th century, Italy was at the centre of Western culture. Italian’s are known as the creators of the Etruscan civilization, Ancient Rome, the Roman Catholic Church, Humanism and the Renaissance.
The Last Supper- Leonardo da Vinci
   Whether from the north or south, Italians share one common thing - a love and lust for life! They're lively, sociable and have a passion for everything they do. Most Italians are Roman Catholics. The influence of the church can be seen in everyday life and in their stunning art pieces. Most religious monuments and paintings and local traditions are based on Christian celebrations.
Italians are proud of their artistic heritage and so they should be. Italy has produced some of the greatest artists in the world; Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, and Raphael, to name just a few. Italy’s finest artists are displayed in Museums, churches and courtyards all over the country.
   Italy is home to the Opera and Opera music. Everyone's heard of Rossini, Verdi and Puccini - the classics. It's accessible to everyone, from the rich to simple peasant farmers. Most Italians will have a firm knowledge of opera and will attend a performance whenever possible.
   The typical Italian home is simple yet practical and always colourful. You'll see balconies with fresh red roses hanging on bright blue railings, tables full of apples, grapes, fresh cheese and bottles of local wine; colourful flowers everywhere, tiny courtyards and gardens with statues. The homes reflect what the people of Italy love; beauty, color, style, family and friendship. Italy is exactly what you would expect it to be!
   Fashion is a top priority in Italy. Your social status depends on your sense of fashion and will affect the way people view you.  Italian’s refer to this as “bella figura” which comes from the Italian word meaning “to impress”. Today, Italy is one of the world centers of modern high fashion clothing. Fashion houses such as Armani, Fendi, Gucci, and Versace have become very popular high class brands. The city of Milan takes its place amongst the most important centers of fashion in the world.



  1. That's very cool, Jenn! Most of the English are Roman Catholics. The Italians actually brought the roman catholic relgion to England! I think that is very intersting. I had no idea Gucci, Armani, Fendi and Versace all originated from Italy but since Milan is very important to the fashion industry it makes sense. Italy sounds like a very interesting country and I'm looking forward to learning more about it.

  2. Wow! there is sure a lot of information on Italy's culture, Jennifer! One of the biggest surprises I had while reading your post was about the artists. I knew they were all from somewhere in Europe, but i had no idea that they were all from Italy. I dont think the UAE has many Artists or fashion designers, though. The food in Italy sound great too! They seem very like very colourful people! I'm looking forward to reading next weeks blog, Jenn1
